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solutions > LOAD BALANCING > QoS & Rate Shaping
With The Edge Platform

Using dynamic bandwidth allocation the Edge platform works in conjunction with existing Diffserv packet marking to smooth out packet streams within the shaping mechanism of the appliance. This ensures improved performance for critical applications while guaranteeing limited bandwidth for others.

Traffic Shaping
Prioritize applications and guarantee bandwidth for end-users or critical services like VoIP, CRM, web-based systems. Create bandwidth policies based on the following criteria:

  • IP Address / Network

  • Application Type

  • Source / Destination

  • QoS Level

  • and MAC

Bandwidth can be defined based on shared or single group delegation. Each policy will automatically generate usage statistics which can be used for end-user or department billing purposes.

Network Visibility
See what is happening within the network using the Edge platforms built-in
network reporting tools. Understand which applications end-users are accessing and how much bandwidth each is consuming. Use this reporting to determine how to best proceed with shaping the traffic to optimize network performance and eliminate congestion.

End-User Bandwidth Control
Beyond application shaping, a network administrator can use the Edge platform to shape individual end-user traffic. Create user groups and apply rate-limits to each in order to guarantee bandwidth throughput and ensure that no single group and/or user can slow down the rest of the network.

MAC-Based User Binding (Internet Service Providers)
Many ISPs utilize this binding method to ensure that only authorized users are able to access network bandwidth. The MAC-binding can also be used to tie a user to a specific IP address and thus guarantee certain bandwidth rates. User statistics can also be generated on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis for each customer.

Dynamic Prioritization
With 12 levels of prioritization within its shaping engine the Edge platform has the ability to dynamically assign new application sessions to a given level based on administrative settings. By changing the queuing for each level the Edge platform is able to effect application responsiveness and smooth packet streams.

P2P / IM Bandwidth Control
Ensure bandwidth resources are being used effectively without the possibility of a small group of users slowing down the network for everyone else. The Edge includes our
FlowTraker module which automatically classifies P2P and other application traffic. Once classified this traffic can be prioritized or blocked.

DiffServ / ToS Marking
A standard method for marking packets enables various devices from different manufacturers to communicate preferences from end-to-end. The Edge platform fully supports these preferences and can re-mark packets as they leave the system.


Without The Edge Platform


Slow screen loads, delayed responsiveness, high latency. All characteristic is poor network performance. What are the costs involved when end-users can't access business-critical applications due to poor network performance?

Opportunity Costs
When a network is performing poorly how does that effect the bottom line? If sales transactions can not be submitted in a timely fashion or follow-ups can not done on time how does that translate to lost revenue?

Reduced Productivity
While end-users may try to be as productive as possible, when network slowdowns cause applications to become unresponsive there is not much that can get accomplished. How much time is wasted each day by end-users attempting to access a business-critical application, timing out do to traffic spikes, or getting screen refreshes so slow that multiple button clicks cause duplicate entries?

MPLS End-to-End QoS
When connecting to an MPLS network, packets coming in and out of the network must keep the Diffserv marking throughout the process or shaping could be lost as it enters or leaves the local network.

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