Layer 7 and Layer 8 Bandwidth Allocation |
Prioritizes business-critical applications and users for bandwidth allocation |
Prioritization based on source, destination, user, service, service group |
Assured QoS for business-critical applications like VoIP, CRM |
A bandwidth manager that supports bandwidth requirement for Cloud, SaaS applications |
Prevents congestion and bandwidth abuse |
Web Category-based Allocation |
Bandwidth allocation based on website categories: webmail, social media, gaming, entertainment etc. |
Upload, download limits |
Layer 8 Identity-based policies with category-based allocation |
Enhanced productivity with Web Filtering |
Time-based Allocation |
Bandwidth scheduling by time of the day |
Committed bandwidth to business-critical applications during scheduling |
A bandwidth manager that balances peaks and troughs in bandwidth consumption |
Assured QoS for business-critical applications |
Committed & Burstable Bandwidth |
Committed bandwidth to critical users at all times |
Policies to assign idle bandwidth to other applications automatically |
Optimal use of idle bandwidth |
Limits capital expense in excess bandwidth purchase |
Delivers ROI |
Logging & Reporting |
Multiple WAN link bandwidth reporting |
Options of on-appliance reporting and centralized reporting with CCC and Cyberoam iView |
Supports optimal use of bandwidth with visibility into bandwidth usage |
Identifies network attacks through excess bandwidth consumption patterns |
Helps meet regulatory compliance |